We all have our fears; you can get past them

I do quite a bit of teaching and mentoring. Whether the training is small business owners and bloggers or vulnerable women, there’s one common thread that hinders the learners from engaging and getting the most out of their experience: FEAR.

It doesn’t matter that every person that I mentor or teach has already taken that first leap of faith. Each of them has realised that they need additional knowledge, and they’ve reached out to someone that they feel can help them.

Despite this, by the time that we start to address their needs and take some action, the fear has reasserted itself.

Every one of us has fears. It’s part of human nature. We carry them both consciously and unconsciously. You can be fearless in some aspects of your life whilst having fears in others. It isn’t something to be ashamed of, but you need to understand it so that you can break down the barrier and harness the fear.

Fear is one of the biggest barriers to learning.

People fear various things when it comes to their businesses and the content that they create; they might be afraid of failure, success, or even what others might think of them. These fears can paralyse you and become a negative self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, I make sure that I start every new mentee or class off with a session on overcoming fear. Talking about our fears and describing them to others often demystifies them and turns them into something more tangible that we can tackle head-on.

Here’s a copy of the slide deck that I use when I take my clients and students through this topic. I hope that you find the content useful.

Do you have any tricks for conquering your fears or have you helped others to get over theirs. If so, share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section.


  1. Sherry Nouraini on 16 July 2012 at 6:40 am

    Great presentation Kittie! One of the strategies that I use to overcome fear is to listen to music, it works really well.

    • Kittie Walker on 16 July 2012 at 11:11 am

      Thanks for stopping by Sherry!

      Aye Music can be soothing in that way or even motivational. I listen to different types of music depending on what I am trying to achieve.

  2. flaminglacer on 16 July 2012 at 5:00 pm

    I was always taught that fear is false evidence appearing real – helping people find where the reality is in any situation will always help them break through that fear barrier – excellent presentation that does just that.

    • Kittie Walker on 16 July 2012 at 7:46 pm

      Hi Tricia,

      It’s very true once the fear is acknowledged it is simple enough to dispel. Funny how we all get ourselves into that kind of pickle on occasion though.

      Thanks for the kind words.

  3. […] As a teacher and mentor, it is something I have to help people with a lot. You can check out my thoughts on overcoming these fears on my blog. […]

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