SEO resources for small business online marketing

Apart from being technically challenging, there’s so much conflicting information and ostensible misinformation on the topic of SEO that it’s not surprising many small businesses avoid it completely.

Unfortunately, not paying attention to SEO is becoming increasingly detrimental to the health of any online presence. The online landscape relies heavily on machines being able to understand what we write and for the time being, they need our help.

All of the guys below do SEO the right way. Learning from their advice and experience will benefit your business in the long run.

These links are not part of any affiliate marketing programme.

Moz, Rand Fishkin
Great advice both from the organisation itself and from members of the community. Their blog, Q&A section and Whiteboard Friday series are all worth checking out.

Conversation Marketing, Ian Lurie
He’ll always tell you exactly how it is. He is uncompromising, hilarious and a great teacher. This link takes you directly to his webinar “50 Tips in 50 minutes” which will get you on the right track in 50 minutes flat. The blog and webinar series are well worth a follow.

SEO by the sea, Bill Slawski
Bill takes a more technical approach to SEO and how the search engines work by delving into the patents they register. He manages to explain technical topics in layman’s terms, offering fascinating insights that will help you understand why SEO works the way that it does.

SEO Whistleblower, Stephen Chapman
In spite of the rather slow frequency of updates, Stephen always provides good advice and in-depth case studies.

This list is a little longer than intended and I still have some more topics to cover, but they can wait until next time. I know I’ve probably missed out a ton of people from this list. Who else do you think should be included?


  1. Jeri Vespoli on 4 March 2013 at 3:29 pm
    • Kittie Walker on 4 March 2013 at 4:26 pm

      Hi Jeri!

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment, most appreciated.

      I’m not as keen on HubSpot as I once was – they seem to be on a quantity over quality drive at the moment. I’ve been a follower of theirs for a good few years. Most of their advice is good, but occasionally they say something that makes me go “really?” and those things are hard to weed out for people new to inbound marketing!

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