How to research content for your blog?

The importance of an audience Picture this – you are front and centre in a classroom or assembly hall at 13 years old, asked to do a presentation on a bland topic given to you by your teacher. Unless your presentation is spectacular or funny it’s likely that the entire thing fell on deaf ears.…

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Creating customer personas using an empathy map

We’ve looked at one approach to creating customer personas, but now we’re going to take another swing at it from a different angle. Some people find that the more traditional way of creating personas hinders their creativity. If you’re struggling with the process, this might just help. The method we looked at previously was traditional,…

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Creating personas for products, customer service and marketing

Whether you run a micro-business with less than ten members of staff or a larger venture with more than fifty, we all run across the problem of having people from our target audience visit our business, online or offline, and going, “that’s not what I’m looking for” before leaving. Whilst you can’t appeal to everyone, it’s…

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Does email marketing work?

I‘m often asked this question by people I meet at events. It’s also not rare for it to pop up during conversations with clients new and old alike. I’d imagine this is because it can be difficult to grasp some of the less tangible benefits of email marketing and to spot why a campaign isn’t…

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