Content that sticks

Today, original and authentic web content is more valuable than ever before. The recent uncertainty over its future has cleared and the process, although painful for some, has actually had a very positive overall effect on the quality of the content. Now more than ever before, the message must be useful and the delivery must…

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Writing tips from successful travel writers

Confused and not sure where to turn? Writing for your business getting you down? It’s daunting and leads to frustration. There are so many articles out there giving you writing tips for your business and blogging efforts, and many of them have conflicting advice. Learning experiences in unexpected places I thought I’d share with you…

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Avoiding common content mistakes made by small businesses

This is a guest post for our blog by Ruth Perrington about the content creation issues that small businesses or start-ups face when first building their online presence. As a small business or start-up, you likely already know the value of talking to your potential customers in the right way. And in this day and…

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Conversation marketing; get with the program

As with any product or offering from Michael A. Stelzner, the book, Launch: How to Quickly Propel your Business Beyond the Competition is a well presented, good quality guide that will help you to change your marketing style for the better and make your business more competitive in the digital age. The techniques that he…

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