Principles of good web design
Starting an online presence for your business is an exciting venture. The problem with this is our human tendency to go overboard. Trust me when I tell you with web…
Starting an online presence for your business is an exciting venture. The problem with this is our human tendency to go overboard. Trust me when I tell you with web design you don’t want to do that.
There are so many shiny effects and elements available for your new web development project, but in most cases, you should try extremely hard to resist the bling!
1. Keep the web design simple
Keep your pages clean and simple, there’s no excuse for a cluttered website. It looks ugly and it confuses customers. Customers find it hard to navigate a site if they’re overwhelmed in this way. You should make sure every element that makes it onto your web page has a place there i.e. that is it actually functional.
2. Don’t make a big splash with colours
Colours like the design elements should be used with restraint. Yes, reflect the colours of your logo. A white background that employs colours to accent offers, products and valuable information is one of the best ways to ensure a clean design. This does not mean that it has to be boring!
3. Providing a cohesive brand image
You want to pay attention to your image, how your product is perceived and whether or not it fits in with your company’s values. That might all sound airy-fairy, but it’s imperative that you present the same image across all of your marketing efforts. Your marketing materials should be designed with a particular audience in mind. Consistency is what’s needed to make sure that your customers receive a consistent experience with you every time they interact with you.
4. Possibly the most important piece of advice
When you’re coding or having your website coded, make sure that you use clean markup. Standards should be adhered to. It is likely that you will need to update your website every couple of years and with clean markup, it makes the upgrading process more straightforward. Any designer should be able to pick up your project and run with it. There are also other advantages to making sure that your site is properly coded. The search engines like websites that adhere to standards and load quickly with no clutter.
So, in other words, we believe that…
Do you keep to this set of rules or do you find that there are other more important issues to consider with web design?
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A good web design is easy on the eye, easy to navigate and have a logical layout.