Simple guidance for you in SEO

The not-so scary world of SEO Setting up, owning or even managing a business can be an exciting time. It can also be highly stressful, whether it’s the first time or the seventh! Regardless of what stage you are at, however, you will undoubtedly find that there are plenty of steep learning curves to navigate. …

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Marketing chat: blogging

Blogging. If you have a website you are probably sick of this word or perhaps you’ve done your utmost to ignore it entirely. I can’t really blame you for that one. Blogging is one of those jobs that can take a lot of time and effort away from other business needs.  This post is really…

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The basics of search engine visibility

To have an effective online presence you need to satisfy a variety of audiences, the people who might decide to buy from you, the people that will help you to sell your service/product and the search engines. Today we’re going to look at your website from the perspective of the search engines.

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