Write your meta description like it’s ad copy

Next on your list of things to check, whilst you’re carrying out your SEO Health Check, are your Meta tag descriptions. Just like your title tags they need to be unique for every page. There’s a trend going on here isn’t there? If you get the feeling that the search engines are very interested in…

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Optimal website structure

Following on from keyword research, you need to build your site architecture and navigation with your human visitors in mind. User experience and SEO have to go hand in hand; quite often, you will come across dilemmas where you need to make a compromise. The compromise should always be in favour of your customers; you’ll…

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Getting your keywords and website structure right

The words that you and I type into the search engines to find the information we want are called keywords. By providing quality information, being relevant and on topic about specific keywords you can bring targeted traffic to your website from a variety of search engines.

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The basics of search engine visibility

To have an effective online presence you need to satisfy a variety of audiences, the people who might decide to buy from you, the people that will help you to sell your service/product and the search engines. Today we’re going to look at your website from the perspective of the search engines.

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