Social media – calls to action

Well everyone, that’s it for February 2020. Can’t quite believe that Christmas was over two months ago but there we are. Last month was hectic, with lots of trips into Chester, avoiding both Ciara and Duncan who did their very best to rip out the fences in the garden (but ultimately failed) and getting a…

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Eight ways to exceed expectations

It’s finally October, quite possibly the most magical and sometimes spooky time of the year. For this weeks post, we’ve decided to pay homage to one of our favourite fantasy books: Harry Potter! If you’re a big fan of the series, the first thing that will come to your mind when seeing “exceeds expectations” is…

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Beginners guide to Tweetchatting

As with so many other parts of the web, social media is ever-changing, always adapting. For lots of people in the industry, this is what they love about working with the internet, for others, it’s a downright frustration. The part that always stays the same however is the importance of engaging. We’re not necessarily talking…

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Does email marketing work?

I‘m often asked this question by people I meet at events. It’s also not rare for it to pop up during conversations with clients new and old alike. I’d imagine this is because it can be difficult to grasp some of the less tangible benefits of email marketing and to spot why a campaign isn’t…

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Conversation marketing; get with the program

As with any product or offering from Michael A. Stelzner, the book, Launch: How to Quickly Propel your Business Beyond the Competition is a well presented, good quality guide that will help you to change your marketing style for the better and make your business more competitive in the digital age. The techniques that he…

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