Two (failed) attempts at being different

Good marketing doesn’t sound like marketing. It allows the reader to make impressions rather than giving them out prepackaged. It also doesn’t boast or speak ill of other companies. One of the most prevalent phrases used by design agencies in their marketing material is, ‘a different kind of digital agency.’ Its absence in Avidmode’s case…

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The typefaces of London

One need not walk far in London to discover typefaces both famous and historic. In fact, as it turns out, one need not even leave the immediate vicinity of London Bridge Station. It was a bleak day out in the City of London — the one-odd square mile that is home to the corporation which owns…

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The practices of web production, part 2

We go through the individual practices involved in the making of a website. This post is the second of a two-part series on the practices of web production. Now that we’ve looked at our process of web production, it’s time to go through the individual pieces that make up the whole. Regardless of which industry…

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The practices of web production, part 1

Each project has multiple phases, one of which is building the website. In the Internet’s infancy, web design was something done by a small group of early-adopters, experimenting with exciting new technology. Now, it is one of the dominant industries in the world, worth many billions of pounds a year.

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The what and why of responsive web design

Responsive web design has been around in one form or another even since before the term was coined in 2010 but it’s only very recently that it’s become an indispensable practice for web designers. Smartphone and tablet usage is exploding and the internet plays a part in many of the things we do every day, big and small.

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A brief introduction

I’ve spent the last two hours searching my mind for a topic to write on as my first contribution to the company website. Although I’ve blogged for several years, in one way or another, it hasn’t been like this.

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